Monday, December 26, 2022

Net Report 26-DEC-2022

KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
WB8HSBruce H Spence
KC0MYPDana F West
KB1ZIREric F Light
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
N8SBEDavid E New
KA9FONMilton Poulos
KE8UOTRobert S Dunseth
N8RJHRichard J Hughes
VK6MILGraeme G Lee
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
W8VIJGregory S Siemasz
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
N8TJThomas E Janke
AD8BUFrank M Lemanski
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
N9MNRDavid C Miles
N9NJSBrent L Cameron
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
AC8ZDDavid P Behnke Jr
KD8KBHPhilip N Rolfe
W8EOEdward A Oxer
N8RMADustin A Thomas

You can connect to these repeaters and talk locally from any BM hotspot or repeater.

310797 - KM8CC Kalamazoo
312654 - W8RP Ann Arbor
310226 - K4KWQ Albion
312649 - KB8SXK Lansing
312615 - N8URW Jackson
310195 - W8LRK Howell
311032 - N4KCD Wixom
311088 - KE8FJW Sault Ste. Marie

Monday, December 19, 2022

Net Report 19-DEC-2022

KJ7UOHMitchell Simons
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
W8JLVJames L Vincent
N8TJThomas E Janke
W8TOYJohn W Little
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KC0MYPDana F West
KA9FONMilton Poulos
N4ALKAllan Karden
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
KC8RGOVance B Nelson
KD8GTXMichael F Greis
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
KE8VSIGregory T Ziel
WQ8AJames E Wilson
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
N8RMADustin A Thomas

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

DMR ID and Name requirements for Repeaters connected to Brandmeister DMR

In an effort to avoid accidental configuration mistakes, the Brandmeister DMR checks the DMR ID and name of the repeaters connected to the network. If you are a repeater owner, please make sure that:

  • The 6-digit repeater ID that you use is active in the RadioID database
  • The repeater name in the codeplug starts with the callsign as found on the RadioID database for the repeater.

from BrandMeister DMR News

Monday, December 12, 2022

Net Report 12-DEC-2022

Thank you Riley KE8VBU for taking the net! He ran both the net and the logging for the first time completely solo - dad was watching football on the couch!

KE8VBURiley W Thomas
VE3PVRick Leblanc
KC0MYPDana F West
N9NJSBrent L Cameron
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
K8PDPaul J Dobosz
W8BBKBrad A Barrone
N8TJThomas E Janke
AC8JWJohn M Mathieson
KB8QASJames A Soles
KE8HEPSteven R Novotny
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KD5RSARonald R Lewis
WQ8AJames E Wilson
WB8HSBruce H Spence
KC8RGOVance B Nelson
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander


Monday, December 5, 2022

Net Report 5-DEC-2022

N8VOXAnthony M Gettig
KD0CGFKenneth R Rick
KC8MBNTimothy A Fusco
KE8QLANevin J Mcginnis
KE8VBURiley W Thomas
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
W8LEWLouis E Wulfekuhler
KB8QASJames A Soles
W8COPChristopher A Barbb
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
W8EOEdward A Oxer
W8JMOJoshua Osmialowski
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KC0MYPDana F West
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
N8TJThomas E Janke
AC8ZDDavid P Behnke Jr
N4ALKAllan Karden
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
W4SWIChad M Moore
K8PDJDorian Jurgle
WQ8AJames E Wilson
N8RMADustin A Thomas


Monday, November 28, 2022

Net Report 28-NOV-2022

Thank you Riley KE8VBU for running the net - it was a record attendance with 27 stations!

N8SBEDavid E New
KJ7UOHMitchell Simons
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
N8KFAWilliam M Le Masters Jr
WB8HSBruce H Spence
WB8SKPDenis G Barton
KC0MYPDana F West
N8TJThomas E Janke
KB8QASJames A Soles
W8VIJGregory S Siemasz
N8NMGJohn D Goldsborough
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
AJ8TThad F Juszczak Jr
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
W8TOYJohn W Little
W8EOEdward A Oxer
N4ALKAllan Karden
W8BBKBrad A Barrone
KD5RSARonald R Lewis
KE8PPBMichael C Wolfe
KE8UQUMichael E Skelly Ii
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
WQ8AJames E Wilson
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
N8RMADustin A Thomas
KE8VBURiley W Thomas

Monday, November 21, 2022

Net Report 21-NOV-2022

Have a great Thanksgiving!

K8WULarry M Phipps Jr
W8EMVEdward M Vielmetti
N8TJThomas E Janke
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
KO4SSWBlair C Smith
KC0MYPDana F West
N4ALKAllan Karden
W8BBKBrad A Barrone
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
W8EOEdward A Oxer
N8DMTGary E Mastenbrook
W8TOYJohn W Little
WQ8AJames E Wilson
N8RMADustin A Thomas

Monday, November 14, 2022

Net Report 14-NOV-2022

Thank you Dana KC0MYP for running the net for us this week!

Callsign                     Name

KD8KBH                    Philip N Rolfe          

KD8VJD                     Allan G Ostrander 

WQ8A                       James E Wilson 

KE8PPB                     Michael C 

WB8QJZ                    Stanley F 

N4ALK                       Allan 

WA3TUU                  Richard E 

W8TOY                      John W 

N8TJ                           Tom 

AC8ZD                       David P Behnke, 

KC0MYP                    Dana F

Monday, November 7, 2022

Net Report 7-NOV-2022

I will be unavailable to run the net next week, as I will be teaching the Radio Merit Badge for a local scout troop. If you are able and willing to run the net, please let me know at as soon as possible.

Net Newcomers: WB1LOVE

KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
WB1LOVDarren C Wright
W8EMVEdward M Vielmetti
KC0MYPDana F West
KC8RGOVance B Nelson
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
N4ALKAllan Karden
W8EOEdward A Oxer
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
W8AWFRobert A Juhlin
N8YUIRandall J Tarantino
KE8FJWBrad A Newhouse
N8RJHRichard J Hughes
KE8VBGRyan S Benn
WQ8AJames E Wilson
N8RMADustin A Thomas

What's left of my flag mount after a windy weekend!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Net Report 31-OCT-2022

Happy Halloween!

WB9RXKJohn W Reynolds Jr
W8TOYJohn W Little
KA9FONMilton Poulos
KC0MYPDana F West
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
N4ALKAllan Karden
N8TJThomas E Janke
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
KE8FJWBrad A Newhouse
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
AC8ZDDavid P Behnke Jr
W1IXJustin K Munger
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KB8QASJames A Soles
KC8RGOVance B Nelson
N8RMADustin A Thomas

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Best DMR Radio for 2022 (via Hamtronics)

Richard Pennington and Robert Combs over at have a great article outlining the best DMR radios for 2022.

While I generally agree with their assessment, I will say the omission of the Anytone AT-D878UVII is a very large miss. They do list the 878UVI as the best overall, but some of the other top categories (aka Most Modern) could be influenced by the UVII from Anytone.

I also have a hard time agreeing that the BTECH DMR-6X2 is the "most modern" considering it's the same radio as the AT-D878UVI they have listed. Again the UVII would likely take both categories in my opinion.

What do you think?

Monday, October 24, 2022

Net Report 24-OCT-2022

Thank you to Riley KE8VBU for taking a turn at the helm this evening!

W4SWIChad M Moore
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
N8HLYThomas J Orlicki
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
W8TOYJohn W Little
N4ALKAllan Karden
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KC0MYPDana F West
KE8SOVDaniel L Prachar
N8TJThomas E Janke
KA9FONMilton Poulos
N8RMADustin A Thomas
KE8FJWBrad A Newhouse
KE8SAMDane C Cucinelli
WQ8AJames E Wilson
KB8QASJames A Soles
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
KD8KBHPhilip N Rolfe
KE8VBURiley W Thomas