Monday, June 27, 2022

Net Report 27-JUN-2022

I hope everyone had a great Field Day! Sounds like conditions were better for some than others, but that is how it goes!

Just a reminder, I am looking for some volunteers to be NCS in the very near future. Due to that pesky thing called "real life", our other NCS N8YUI Randy will not be able to continue. HUGE thank you to him for all his hard work over the years and for helping getting this net off the ground. You will be missed and I hope you check in from time to time!

Net Newcomers: KM7DEW

N4ALKAllan Karden
KE8FJWBrad A Newhouse
KC0MYPDana F West
KM7DEWMark W Dewey
W8BBKBrad A Barrone
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
KD8KBHPhilip N Rolfe
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KB8QASJames A Soles
WA8RSADavid L Lamer
KE8VBURiley W Thomas
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
W8TVRGary C Arnold
WQ8AJames E Wilson
N8RMADustin A Thomas

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