Monday, July 4, 2022

Net Report 4-JUL-2022

Happy 4th of July to everyone!

Today marks the last day our good NCS Randy N8YUI is retiring the post. Due to a relocation, he won't be able to keep up the regular role. We thank him for all his service to the net and to DMR for the radio amateurs of Michigan. We hope to hear him check-in as time permits.

If you are interested in taking up a place on the NCS staff, please contact Dustin ( for more information.

WB8HSBruce H Spence
KB8QASJames A Soles
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KA9FONMilton Poulos
KE8FJWBrad A Newhouse
KE8VBURiley W Thomas
N8RMADustin A Thomas
N8YUIRandall J Tarantino

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