Tuesday, May 28, 2019

MichiganONE DMR Net for 5/28/2019

Net Summary

Stations Checked In: 4
Net Closed: 7:09 (7:00 PM start)

The net today saw 4 stations checking in, including 1 new station, on this "post-Memorial Day" edition of the net. Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable holiday, and took some time to remember those who have paid the ultimate price serving this great country.

As mentioned by KD8MKE on the net this evening, thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by the storms and tornadoes down in Ohio within the last 24 hours - hopefully everyone is safe and sorted. The Hara Arena (former venue of the Dayton Hamvention) was hit fairly hard, and it's certainly not a good thing for the former stomping groups of one fine hamfest.

Attendance was very light this week, not giving much credence to holding the net on a Tuesday. The holiday weekend, and earlier time may have been a contributing factors here as well. More information on when the net will be held will be coming soon, so be on the lookout for that.

Call SignName

  • Just a reminder - this is the last week of scheduling testing. We'll post on the site and Facebook when the final time selection is for the net.
  • Yesterday was Memorial Day - hopefully everyone took some time out from the usual recreational activities to remember and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this great county.
  • Twitter account @BMMasterStatus has automated alerts for BrandMeister up and down times, so check that out.

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